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Hundreds attend evangelical mission in Mamburao


Posted: July 28, 2024

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To further spread the message of salvation to more people, the Ecclesiastical District of Mamburao, Mindoro Occidental, in the Philippines, conducted a district-wide evangelical mission on July 9, 2024.

“It feels great to do my part in this work of propagating the faith. I was able to invite my colleagues to listen to the teachings upheld inside the Church Of Christ,” said Mark Anthony Roldan, a teacher by profession and a KADIWA officer in the Local Congregation of Sta. Cruz. He was able to invite two co-teachers to the evangelical mission.

Brother Nestor Entrina, assistant district supervising minister, and Brother Sanny Magdirila, resident minister of the Local Congregation of Paetan, led the study of God’s words that was held in the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Mamburao. Through an inter-connected lesson, they proved through the Bible the importance of being a member of the true Church, which in these last days is the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), towards attaining salvation on Judgment Day.

Brethren from various local congregations throughout the district were able to invite and bring more than 300 guests, including professionals. “ The lesson provided me a lot of insights about true faith,” said Atty. Glenn Espejo, a guest of the Mamburao Congregation.

Mery Hencbeth Ventura, a guest of the Local Congregation of Sta. Cruz, added that “the ministers quoted directly from the Bible. I want to know more about what the Bible says.” — With reports from Allysa Mae Orallo and Dan Airone Sagun