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Concern for fellowmen shines thru medical mission in Cupang


Posted: March 1, 2024

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Brethren in the Local Congregations of Cupang and SSS VillageEcclesiastical District of Metro Manila East, in the Philippines, united in organizing a medical mission on February 17, 2024 for residents of Barangay Cupang. It was held at the multi-purpose covered court adjacent to the village hall along Sto. Nino St, Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines.

Christian Medical Dental and Paramedical Society (CMDPS) officers from the two local congregations facilitated free consultation as well as blood pressure monitoring and distribution of free medicines.

“It’s nice to see the brethren happy as they volunteered for this activity, knowing full well that through this we’ve been able to help our fellowmen,” said Anthony Magnetico, Buklod president of SSS Village Congregation.

“The ways we’re accommodated, such as the orderliness in the check-up of children, the priority line for senior citizens, were so good,” observed Perla Francia, a recipient. “I thank the Church Of Christ members for this INC Giving project. It’s a great help to our family,” she added.

“Being of help to my fellowmen makes me more active in fulfilling my Church duties,” said registered nurse Isabel Romero, KADIWA president of Cupang and one of the event’s facilitators. – With reports from Reynan Galvez and MME District Multimedia