House of worship in Katipunan, Agusan Del Sur rededicated

The Katipunan Congregation in the Ecclesiastical District of Agusan Del Sur rededicated to God its newly renovated house of worship on August 23, 2024.
CFO Family Cooking Challenge in Batangas North concludes

Batangas North CFO Family Cooking Challenge district finals exhibited the brethren’s cooking skills while strengthening the bond of families.
District of Micronesia hosts series of activities for INC’s 110th

The Micronesia District hosted various activities marking the 110th anniversary of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) on July 27, 2024.
For INC 110th, Naval Congregation extends helping hand, shares faith

Brethren in Naval, Leyte West help in Brigada Eskwela and share the faith through Pasugo Drive.
Congregations in Zamboanga City unite for clean-up drive

Brethren in Zamboanga City District participate in a community clean-up drive on July 30, 2024.
Greater Toronto District holds INC Unity Games

The Unity Games in Greater Toronto Ecclesiastical District of further strengthen the brethren’s faith and deepen the bonds of brotherhood.
Masinloc brethren unite for community clean-up drive

Masinloc Congregation clean-up drive fosters the brotherhood and helps the environment clean on June 29, 2024
Lanao District edifies Church officers, inducts new ones

Lanao Ecclesiastical District edifies Church officers and inducts new ones during special gatherings.
Refurbished house of worship in Agusan del Norte rededicated to God

The newly refurbished house of worship of Magsaysay Congregation in Agusan Del Norte District was rededicated to God through a worship service held on July 12, 2024.
‘True love for the Church’ emphasized in Hawaii special gathering

Special gathering in Hawaii-Pacific inspires Church officers to love truly the Church.