New house of worship of Carreon Village Congregation dedicated to God

The new house of worship of Carreon Village Congregation was dedicated to God through a special worship service, December 13, 2024.
‘Be exemplars,’ Metro Manila East CWS officers reminded

CWS officers in Metro Manila East District attended a special gathering, during which they were reminded to be paragons of faith to children, December 10, 2024.
New house of worship for Pasong Langka Congregation dedicated to God

The new house of worship of Pasong Langka Congregation was dedicated to God through a special gathering, December 6, 2024.
Dedicated to pleasing God: More congregations, houses of worship rise in 2024

The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) continues unabated in building from the ground up, if not just renovating, houses of worship for doing so is pleasing to God.
TSV officers in Micronesia District share faith

TSV officers share the true faith by spearheading evangelical missions in Micronesia congregations, November 24, 2024.
CEA special gathering in Manila highlights blessings for the righteous

CEA members in Manila Ecclesiastical District were reminded to uphold the Christian way of life at all times to be blessed.
Tokyo, Japan District inducts more officers in special gathering

In Tokyo, Japan Ecclesiastical District, 174 new officers were instated in a special gathering, November 10, 2024.
San Juan Congregation marks 36th year

The 36th anniversary of San Juan Congregation, Metro Manila East was marked with an evangelical mission and musical presentation, November 19 and 24, 2024.
Agusan Del Norte District holds musical evangelical mission

The musical evangelical mission of the Agusan Del Norte District inspired guests to examine the biblical doctrines upheld by the Church.
KADIWA Formal in Bay Area, California fosters stronger bonds among youth

KADIWA Formal in Bay Area California District enhanced camaraderie among youth.