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Takamatsu GWS holds first worship service


Posted: February 18, 2024

In the Ecclesiastical District of Nagoya, Japan, the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) has established a new group worship service (GWS) in Takamatsu, the capital of Japan’s smallest prefecture, Kagawa, in Shikoku Island. The GWS held its inaugural worship service on January 24, 2024 at its place of worship at 2-20-6 Ritssuin Cho, Takamatsu Shi, Kagawa Ken.

Before moving to the new place of worship, members now comprising the newly formed Takamatsu GWS had to either travel to attend worship services at Tokushima Extension, on the same island, or to the Local Congregation of Okayama, on neighboring Honshu Island, both options meant traveling 60 kilometers for two.

“We are truly happy for there is now a huge difference when attending worship services,” said Edeliza Maitani. “Before, we had to travel long distances and hours, but now, we can reach our place of worship in five minutes by car.”

Yamaguchi Masatsune, deacon, added, “Due to the long distance between Tokushima, inviting guests was difficult. However, now that the distance has shortened, we will work hard even more to invite more guests to listen to the biblical teachings we uphold.”

Brother Manny Benedicto, district supervising minister, officiated at the holy gathering. He emphasized from the Holy Scriptures the importance of fulfilling the primary duty of God’s chosen people to worship Him. He added that the members of the GWS ought to give praises and thanks to God even more for He has blessed them with a place of worship near their homes.

“The brethren were all the more inspired for they felt the love of God through the Church Administration. By having a place of worship near their homes, they are now even more able to joyfully carry on with their services to God,” said Brother Ciriaco Angkahan Jr., resident minister of the said GWS.  – With reports from Stephanie Delos Reyes of INC News Section