Posted: November 18, 2024
Established in 2014, the Ecclesiastical District of South Korea commemorated its 10th anniversary through a special gathering at a convention center in Daegu City on October 27, 2024 officiated by Brother Joel V. San Pedro, minister of the gospel overseeing the Church’s Overseas Mission Office. Brethren from all over the country strove to attend the momentous gathering.
Initially, the district had six local congregations and four group worship services (GWS); now, it has 14 local congregations and eight GWS.
Brother San Pedro began his homily by relaying to the brethren the greeting from the Executive Minister for the district’s anniversary. He then preached from the Bible why Church members should not wonder that they are not exempt from hardships. These are part of the spiritual refining process of their faith, Brother San Pedro highlighted, for the Lord God assures them that He is always there to help them make it through tests they think that are way beyond their limitations.
“I could remember when Brother Eduardo V. Manalo led a worship service here in South Korea, I was then starting to attend instruction in biblical studies. From that day on I faced a lot of tests. But, like what we heard in the gathering, God indeed helps us to overcome tests of faith. He never fails us when we truly trust Him,” said Vernie Cortas, choir member from the Local Congregation of Paju-Si. He traveled for more than four hours to attend the event.
The reminder that brethren should never forget that every time they face troubles, the Almighty Father is always there to lead the way, further edified and inspired Grace Ju, deaconess in the Local Congregation of Seoul who shared, “One of the challenges I faced were the cultural and language barriers. I thank God for leading the way and now my faith is established in serving Him to the end.”
Kino Ju from Seoul, a Church member said, “Our beloved Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, thank you for always looking after us. We love you very much.” — With assistance from Chris Antonette Pugay
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