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Reflecting on the Lord’s guidance to His nation


THE YEAR 2020 has been a horrible year for many because of the various problems they faced, such as ongoing armed conflicts, economic difficulties, violence, and social evils that have made living especially difficult. Aggravating the already bad situation are the Covid-19 pandemic that up to now is still plaguing the entire world and the onslaught of destructive calamities.

For members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), despite all that has happened this year, they still consider it a matter of great blessing that they are able to hurdle life’s challenges while remaining in the true service of the Lord God. They count the Almighty God’s blessings-both material and spiritual-and marvel at His continued guidance to His chosen people in these last days. Hence, as the year finally draws to a close, they take a moment to pause and reflect on the goodness of God as manifest in the victories He granted in their holy endeavors.

Successfully spreading the gospel

Despite community quarantines or lockdowns that governments implemented to keep the populace safe from the pandemic, the Church Of Christ has consistently pursued its mission of spreading the gospel of salvation (Mark 16:15-16) while following health safety protocols. Through mass media and social media, the Church continues to air its radio and television programs and the brethren were able to share the links of online evangelical missions to their loved ones and friends.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

One of the religious programs of the Church aired on INCTV

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Online evangelical mission in Japan

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Online evangelical mission in Western Europe

The tireless efforts of the brethren in sharing the faith have not been in vain as new converts were added to the Church. Baptisms were held in various parts of the world, while observing health protocols.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Baptism in Espiritu Santo GWS, Vanuatu

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Baptism in Aurora, Philippines

More workers for the Lord’s harvest field

With the growth of the Church comes the need for more ministers to care for the growing need of the Lord’s flock. In answer to the Church’s prayer, which the Lord Jesus instructed His servants to say, that the Lord God send out more workers into His vast harvest field (Matt. 9:38), a total of 100 new ministers were ordained from January 2020.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
January 24, 2020

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Templo Central, Quezon City, Philippines
September 20, 2020

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Templo Central, Quezon City, Philippines
October 31, 2020

Also, 1195 new graduates from the Iglesia Ni Cristo School For Ministers took their oath as regular ministerial workers.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

SFM graduates of Bachelor of Pastoral Studies and Evangelism takes their oath of office on September 20, 2020

Edifying the fold

Part of the quarantine measures implemented by national governments to help mitigate the spread of Covid-19 is the temporary prohibition of large gatherings that included religious services. However, this did not hinder the brethren from worshiping God (Heb. 10:27) as they conducted Household Worship Services. On several occasions, they attended worship services that were officiated by the Executive Minister himself via live streaming, while in the confines of their respective homes.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

An INC family during household worship service

The Christian Family Organizations (CFO) launched various activities such as webinars discussing tips to cope with stress and additional livelihood opportunities to help the brethren whose jobs were affected by lockdown measures.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

A brother in Davao de Oro tends to his garden under the “Gulayan sa Bakuran” project of the Church

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Brethren from Latin America during their cooking webinar series

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

During a parenting seminar held in by the CFO in Davao West

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

During a seminar recently held by the Christian Employees Association (CEA)

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Children’s Worship Service members in Northern Europe as they enjoy their storytelling activity

Following government-imposed work and health protocols, the Church was not deterred by the pandemic from constructing houses of worship and dedicating them to God.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

The Executive Minister officiated the dedication of the Davao City Congregation house of worship
on August 8, 2020 via live streaming

Concern for others

Through the stewardship of its Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the Church Of Christ unceasingly pursues its socio-civic projects in different parts of the world. With a helping hand, it reaches out to various sectors in society, especially to the needy, in compliance with the biblical command to “not grow weary while doing good … to all” (Gal. 6:9-10 New King James Version). It further intensifies this humanitarian work as tragedies and disasters strike one after another.

The following day right after Taal Volcano in the Philippines erupted on January 12, the Church Of Christ, through the Felix Y. Manalo Foundation, promptly responded by conducting the Lingap sa Mamamayan (Aid to Humanity) to supply the immediate needs of calamity victims in the provinces of Batangas and Cavite.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Before the pandemic: Taal eruption evacuees as they receive care packages
that included rice, canned goods, and face masks

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Before the pandemic: Calamity victims as they receive free medical services and medicines

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Before the pandemic: SCAN members as they assist in the evacuation of trapped families in danger zones

To help create livelihood opportunities for Church members and nonmembers, the Church established its first eco-farm in the USA in Soshoni, Wyoming on January 21, 2020.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Before the pandemic: The ribbon-cutting formally opening the Church’s recent addition to its long line of livelihood projects

INC Giving and Aid to Humanity were conducted in various parts of the globe to help ease the burden brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. On such events, goods, food, care packages, including personal protective equipment, were distributed to frontliners and individuals. Health care donations were also given to public schools, nursing homes, and elderly facilities.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

10,000 face masks were donated to 12 schools in Canada

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

500 receive free flu shots and care packages in Norfolk, Virginia

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Residents of Astoria Houses in Queens, New York receives 1,000 care packages

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

The cheque donation of the Church as handed to Soowahlie First Nation band administration in British Columbia, Canada

In the Philippines, the Ciudad de Victoria Complex was used as a mega-quarantine facility housing Covid-19 patients, frontliners, and health care workers.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Some Covid-19 survivors as they leave the Ciudad de Victoria Complex

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Donation of the INC to the Quezon City Government to help with the needs of its constituents

And on Brother Eduardo Manalo’s birthday on October 31, the Church conducted the Worldwide Aid to Humanity to help alleviate the troubles of people brought about by the pandemic. This humanitarian effort was again carried out after a few days in the Philippines when several super typhoons ravaged the country, submerging many towns under water, leaving thousands of families homeless, and destroying millions of pesos worth of crops and properties.

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

North Hollywood, California

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Norfolk, Virginia

Reflecting on the Lord's guidance to His nation

Norfolk, Virginia

The world today may be gripped by uncertainty and a pervading sense of instability yet God’s people in these last days-the members of the Church Of Christ-have all the reasons to be thankful to Him for His blessings. And while in these trying times, the rest of mankind is apprehensive of what the future may bring, they remain hopeful and optimistic that He will do again all the good that He has done for them, and more.