Posted: December 19, 2024
“It’s such a great feeling to be baptized, knowing that I’ve found the truth. All the sacrifices to reach this point of my life were all worth it,” said Christopher Harper, newly baptized member from the Chula Vista Congregation.
Baptismal candidates from the San Diego County, California District, among whom was Harper, were baptized on November 23, 2024. Brother Erman Bendicio, assistant district supervising minister, led their baptismal gathering that was held at the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Chula Vista.
In his Bible-based preaching, Brother Bendicio exhorted the baptismal candidates to value their membership in the Church Of Christ, and remain steadfast in their worship and services to God.
“Baptism into the Church Of Christ is essential to become a true disciple of Christ,” Brother Christian De Dios, district edification overseer, explained in an interview after the gathering.
After the homily, Brother Gary Barrientos, district overseer for Church Officers, administered the baptismal candidates’ taking oath of membership before being immersed into the water.
“I will not keep within myself the truth I heard. I will share the truth about the Church Of Christ to my fellowmen so that they will also enjoy the privileges of being in the true Church,” Harper added.
After the baptismal service, the newly baptized members were then congratulated through the “Welcome, My Brethren” activity held at the congregation’s function hall. They were oriented about the Christian Family Organizations (CFO) they respectively belong to, and the activities they ought to participate with. Talented members serenaded them with Iglesia Ni Cristo original music performances.
“Activities such as this is a reminder to them that they are part of a brotherhood that promotes love and support,” Brother De Dios further said. — With reports from Christian Benedict Co of INC News Section
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