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1. The Piano Competition is limited to the classical genre. Thus, entries should be solo piano works from the following musical eras: Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th and 21st Century. No original compositions from the applicants may be accepted. Piano concerti are not allowed as the competition is for solo performer only.


2. There are two age Categories:

  • 17 years old and below
  • 18 years old and above


                  Four finalists per age category will be selected.


3. Applicants must submit two (2) audition videos, one for each piece chosen. Each piece should represent a different, contrasting era from the list given above. Musical scores are permitted at this stage.


4. Each video should should be 3 to 8 minutes in length. If the piece is substantially longer, excerpts or abbreviated arrangements are acceptable. Pieces less than three minutes should be avoided.


5. All audition videos should be of 720p or greater resolution. The audio should be clear and fully synced with the video. The camera should be stationary and fixed on the performer at all times.


6. Chosen finalists should prepare a final piece that is 6-15 minutes in length, which may be a longer or more complete version of the audition piece. A single (1) section or movement is highly preferred over multiple movements, sections, or pieces combined to fit the prescribed time frame. For example, if the work is a piano sonata, one movement (preferably the first) would suffice. Scores are permitted for the audition only; during the final competition all pieces must be played from memory.


7. ELIGIBILITY: All requirements must be complete. Incomplete and late submissions will not be considered. Submissions which are of questionable quality or authenticity may also not be considered. Past winners (1st place) of this competition are ineligible and may not join. Lastly, past finalists (who placed 2nd or lower) may enter the competition for a maximum of two (2) times.