Posted: February 4, 2025
To remind Christian Family Organizations (CFO) officers in the Ecclesiastical District of Bay Area California of the must-have qualities expected from Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) officers, a Retraining Seminar was held on January 19, 2025. It was conducted at Orinda Community Center, at 28 Orinda Way, Orinda, California.
In the first part of the activity, Brother Alfred Alexis Lorido, district CFO overseer, discussed upcoming activities and at the same time relayed to the officers instructions on how they can properly prepare ahead of time for the said activities.
“We’re very excited to share to the brethren these recent developments as we also look forward to hold activities that will accommodate the interests of the brethren and give opportunity to each household to participate in CFO activities,” said Brother Darwin Lee, district Buklod president, on behalf of fellow district officers.
The highlight of the seminar was the Bible-based lecture. Brother Serginio Bayani, district supervising minister, reminded all in attendance God’s divine purpose in placing officers in the Church, that is, for its members’ edification and their remaining obedient to God’s commands. Also, Brother Bayani highlighted that God expects the officers to possess and remain having the qualities befitting of true leaders in His nation.
“This seminar will surely help us in taking care of the brethren in each organization, as well as enhance the way we plan for and carry out the CFO activities in our district,” Brother Darwin further said. “I will do my very best in performing my duties to be of help to the Church Administration in caring for the brethren in this part of the world,” he added.
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