Posted: August 11, 2024
For the 110th anniversary of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), the Ecclesiastical District of Iloilo South held a donation activity and a tree-planting on July 29 and 30, 2024, respectively.
On the 29th, in time for the opening of classes in the Philippines, the brethren donated school supplies to the students of the Jaro II Elementary School. The donations included notebooks, pencils, as well as art papers.
Thankful, Jesel Glumalid, a teacher-adviser, said, “Seeing that some of my students lack some of the basic necessities in studying, it is truly wonderful that you donated a lot for them. Me and my students too are elated to be given these.”
Maximizing the benefits of the activity, a dental care seminar was also facilitated. Dr. Julix Dionne Capizonda, a dentist from the Local Congregation of Iloilo City, demonstrated to the children the proper dental care.
“We thank the Church Administration for approving this event, benefiting our school of goods the students need. Our staff are joyous for such a kind gesture of our brethren to our school,” said Mario Mediavilla, the school principal, who is also a member enlisted in the Local Congregation of Jaro.
The following day, brethren converged in Barangay Quipot, around 50 kilometers from Iloilo City, for a tree-planting activity. A thousand mahogany saplings, jackfruit, guyabano, and cotton fruit seedlings were planted in the area.
“We hope that these trees planted will truly benefit the locals and our brethren here in Quipot. Not only would it be a preventive measure for rains to come that might cause landslides, harvesting these trees months from now could be a potential source of livelihood,” said Julie Marbebe, the head deacon of the Local Congregation of Quipot.
“We saw the benefits of our activities which our Church Administration launched. Beyond the material good they would bring; the events prove the brethren’s zeal in the Church works which pleases our Lord God,” Brother Troy Calimpong, the district Christian Family Organizations (CFO) overseer, said. — With reports from Ace Juliene Capizonda
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