Posted: August 22, 2024
Local congregations of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), among other islands, were not remiss in commemorating the Church’s 110th anniversary. Under the supervision of the Ecclesiastical District of Micronesia, these congregations held outreach activities, on top of INConcerts.
Neighborhood Appreciation
On July 27, 2024, four local congregations in Saipan—Garapan, CNMI; Koblerville, MP; Saipan, CNMI; and San Jose—gathered at the American Memorial Park to conduct a “Neighborhood Appreciation Day.”
During the event, the brethren provided the community free services, including meals, clothing, blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring. Also given for free were various essentials, such as canned goods, rice, and coffee. These comprised every care package, 300 in all, distributed.
There were also games, like Ring-Toss and Hit-the-Animal, which both guests and brethren enjoyed.
“The Church Of Christ’s event today had a significant effect on the neighborhoods,” said Justin Dominquez, a guest from Saipan Congregation. “Not only did they provide free medical care to their fellow citizens, but it also helps everyone get to know one another and develop a sense of camaraderie,” he added.
INC 110th Anniversary concerts
The concerts were held on the next day at two separate venues: Leopalace Resort, Guam and World Resort, Saipan. There, local congregations and extensions at respective islands gathered.
During the program, talented brethren showcased musical performances featuring INC Original Music, which reflect the fulfillment to this day of God’s promises to His Church. Awed by the presentation, brethren were further inspired to firmly hold on their faith.
“I’m very glad that I participated in this activity. It’s so overwhelming to perform before the brethren. All the preparations we had, indeed, paid off,” enthused Alessandra Manzanilla from Koblerville, MP, who was one of the performers.
“The activity we had today brought so much inspiration to all the brethren. It’s a great avenue to reflect on all the blessings that God has bestowed upon His Church,” added Michael De Jesus from Guam Congregation.
Community Service
Following the anniversary concerts were community services held across the district on July 29. At Guam, Church members held theirs at Paseo de Susana in Hagatña and the Machanao Local Park; their fellow brethren at Saipan along Chalan Monsignor Guerrero Road and Chalan Kiya, a settlement in the island.
Donned in their INC 110th anniversary shirts and equipped with cleaning tools, the brethren went to the locations to clean the surroundings, paint the road guardrails, and collect various types of waste, ensuring its proper sorting and disposal afterwards.
“Today’s event was a great success. The brethren fulfilled God’s command to help those in need, providing essential assistance while also strengthening their bonds and commitment to God’s teachings and Church Administration. Under Brother Eduardo Manalo’s leadership, the Iglesia Ni Cristo members in Micronesia are growing in the faith, showing that even small acts of kindness can make a significant difference,” attested Brother Julius Malabanan, assistant district supervising minister.
“The recent activities in our district are our way of thanking and glorifying God for upholding the entire Church,” said Brother Joven Sepillo Jr., the district supervising minister, on behalf of the brethren in the district. “We will remain united with the Church Administration and devoted to fulfilling God’s commandments.” — With reports from Jillian Mayes
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