Sanchez Mira Congregation holds first Pasugo drive for the year
Brethren in Sanchez Mira, Cagayan West give copies of the Pasugo magazine on January 4, 2025.
Macau District edify choir members
Macau Ecclesiastical District held a special gathering for its choir members.
Italy South District commemorates Buklod 62nd anniversary
With Rome house of worship as host site, Italy South District commemorated the Buklod’s 62nd anniversary via a special gathering, December 8, 2024.
New Zealand North commemorate CEA 38th anniversary
CEA officers and members in the New Zealand North District gathered at their respective houses of worship to celebrate their 38th anniversary via special gatherings, November 28, 2024.
Special gathering in Italy renews choir members’ zeal
Choir members in Italy North attended the special gathering dedicated to edifying them, at Milan house of worship on November 3, 2024.
Melbourne youth complete KADIWA Unity Race
The “KADIWA Unity Race” of Melbourne Congregation, Australia West District, was actively participated in by the brethren on October 12, 2024.
Special gathering in Manitoba calls for more male brethren to join the ministry
The Manitoba Ecclesiastical District held a special gathering that was instrumental in encouraging more male brethren to enter the holy ministry.
Riverside Congregation celebrates 50th anniversary
The Riverside Local Congregation, in Orange County District, reaches its 50th anniversary; holds a special worship service and musical program, on September 7 and 14, 2024, respectively.
New Zealand South district established
The establishment of New Zealand South Ecclesiastical District was marked by a special gathering, September 8, 2024.
District of Tokyo, Japan holds baptism
Tokyo, Japan Ecclesiastical District holds baptismal gathering, August 25, 2024; admitting more new members into the Lord’s flock.