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Masbate SCAN, CMDPS lead evangelical missions


Posted: March 13, 2025

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As part of commemorating the Society of Communicators and Networkers International’s (SCAN) 36th anniversary, and the Christian Medical Dental and Paramedical Society’s (CMDPS) 6th anniversary, members of the said organizations led evangelical missions that were simultaneously held in every local congregation in Masbate Ecclesiastical District, Philippines, on February 14, 2025. Approximately 2,000 guests attended the evangelical missions.

District supervising minister Brother Nepthalie D. Panes officiated at the Malinta Congregation’s house of worship while resident ministers at other houses of worship. Citing verses from the Bible, they expounded that being united with the Lord Jesus Christ is vital for one to be delivered from the eternal punishment in the lake of fire on Judgment Day. For one to be united with Christ, one must follow the Savior’s clear instruction to enter His fold—the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ).

In Masbate City Congregation alone, Brother Rodolfo Monforte, resident minister, attested that “the house of worship was filled with guests and many expressed their eagerness in knowing more about God’s commands which the Church Of Christ upholds.”

Among the guests was Evelyn Bermudes, who decided to enlist as a doctrinal instructee upon understanding that “being a member of the Church Of Christ is both important and necessary for it will be the only one to be saved [on Judgment Day].”  

“Even if we have tight work schedules, we never miss taking part in sharing the faith to more people,” said Masbate City Congregation CMDPS member Arpe Delos Santos. “This is among the commands of God that we ought to follow, and by doing so, we bring glory to Him.” — With reports from Roxanne Altarejos of INC News Section